Sunday, August 31, 2003
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
I just realized, pirating porn is like being a vigilante. It's like being the Punisher. Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"
I walked out on the hot concrete, and I've somehow burnt my feet without feeling much pain...
Something Awful is good. I'd like to pull some of those ICQ pranks.
I think I somehow got bored of my dream and woke up. I guess it was better than some of the slightly psychotic dreams like the one where my scalp fell off as a result of dandruff then lice (or maggots) were crawling all over me and I had a deep wound almost perpendicular to my spine and red as if from a blunt object. I could feel it. My dreams are way too realistic.
I've edited the Angelfire Site, and its main purpose is for links. That's okay, because considering the size of the internet, you could miss out on the best stuff without ever knowing it existed.
Thursday, August 21, 2003
I think there could be a correalation between microwaves and my sharp head pains. I've accidently hit my head on a steel pole a couple of times, and the headaches still come back once in a while. Weird.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I added a new quiz to Quizilla, check out Yet another Trigun Quiz by vtslttbo at
I just thought, since no one can read an animals mind without looking like a complete psycho, and there would never be a way to confirm it if they did, they would be perfect secret secure data storage. The government could implant all kinds of data via various microwaves from cell phone towers. After all, why just use people? My dog has survived being hit by a car two or three times, with hardly any damage. One time, he was hit with a speeding car and we thought his eye was was just rolled back in his head. It fell back down and when we got him back to the vet they could find nothing wrong with him...